In this article you will learn how to login into your account and change your dealer to Nu Automations. This will help Nu Automations better service your home by enabling us to remotely access your system.

Please follow the step by step instructions:

  1. Open your web browser and enter in your URL, or simply click here.

  2. Login using your credentials that you set up originally with the previous Dealer. If you are having problems logging in or have forgotten your password, please see our Forgot the Password article.

  3. Once you are logged in you will see the Main Home Page of the account with multiple options (NOTE: From time to time, Control4 does change their Terms and Conditions and when you login they will ask for you to agree to their agreement prior to taking you to the home page). From the options at the home page select "My Account on the top right side of the main page.

  4. You will then see all of your account information such as your address, and your primary information including your dealer information on the bottom portion of the page. On the top right corner click the "Edit" button.

  5. You can now enter in the dealer name inside the Box under the My Dealer Category. Simply delete the current dealer name and input "Nu Automations" in the text box.
  6. Once you have changed the dealer information changed, click Save and the account will be updated.

  7. Now Nu Automations can remote into your System and service you better!

If you have any questions or concerns please do not hesitate to contact us at or call us Toll-Free at 1 (855) 8NU-LIFE (68-5433).


The SPA Team